Friday, February 27, 2009

The Weekend is Finally Here!!!!


Hope everyone is having a great start to their weekend. I just realized I haven't blogged all week, so in honor of completing my second full week of teaching here it goes......

This week had its ups and its downs. My ups included: my amazingly cute 8 and 9 year olds learning the song "Apples and Bananas", dinner and drinks with my boss on Tuesday night, and my new favorite Korean food fried seaweed rolls of tofu and noodles. It sounds weird but its really yummy. My downs included: some slow days at work, and some not so nice Korean people. Eh, what can you do??

Anyways, the weekend is here and I couldn't be more relieved that it has finally arrived! Don't get me wrong, I am loving my students but I'm so ready to be Shannon, the weekend foreigner and not Shannon, TEACHER!!!! Haha.

Hope you all are doing great. Leave some comments so I know what's going on with you.


Mom- You have got to talk to those people at Ann Marie's school again. This whole situation is just bullshit!

Lorrie- I haven't heard from you all week chica. Hope everything is ok.

Inga- I know you had a rough week with Shawn being gone, but know that I thought of you and I love reading your blog. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your baby shower this weekend!! Kellian is one lucky boy to have such an awesome Mom!

Craig- Where ya been? Naomi keeping you busy or what? Email me sometime.

Morgan- Mom told me she came to the store last week to cash my last paycheck and that you asked her about me, and almost started crying. Awww, little sister I miss you too. I hope your doing great though. Write me anytime. I'm totally here for you.

Emily- No bingo yet, though interestingly enough that seems to be the only American game my classes are begging to play in my class. Haha!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love reading about your adventures. Sounds like your having a blast. The baby shower was great, Cathy did a great job and we got almost everything we needed, but it wasn't the same without you. Wish you were there. We're all set for Killian to arrive, just have to set everything up now. Miss you!!